14 August 2018

Thief In Town!

Someone has been stealing puppies from your town at night. You and a crack team of investigators (concerned people from the neighbourhood and your friends) have decided to figure out the crime when the police couldn’t. What do you do and how do you solve it?

For this piece of writing I would…

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14 August 2018

Descriptive Writing – Poetry

Can you describe this image? Use all of your language skills to create a poem with four verses.

Please include the following: a simile, a metaphor and personification.

Create atmosphere and aim to include effective vocabulary.


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14 August 2018

Art or Vandalism?

Is graffiti art or vandalism? In many countries, it is a crime to paint on walls and street artists can have problems with the police. In other countries, street art is permitted in certain places. For example, in Taiwan, there are ‘graffiti zones’ where artists are free to paint and write on…

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14 August 2018

Grand Designs

Imagine that you have just won the lottery and can buy your dream house.

Write a detailed description of your ideal home, using prepositions of place, to give to an interior designer. You can either limit this to one or two rooms, or design an entire house. You must use at least ten…

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14 August 2018

Modal Verbs and Adverbs


Can you use modal verb constructs to create emotive poetry? Modal verbs are useful for expressing and exploring personal feelings. Look at the following poem by Emily Dickinson as a starting point:

If I can stop one heart from breaking,

I shall not live in vain;

If I can ease one life…

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13 August 2018

Emil and The Detectives by Eric Kästner

Can you write a character description for one of the following characters: Emil Tischbein, Mr Grundeis, The Professor or Gustav?



Mr.Grundies (the man in the bowler hat) is a mysterious man. He wears black and has a jet black hat…

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13 August 2018

Explanation Texts

Now that we have studied explanation texts. Can you write your own about an electrical item you might find in a home. Remember your key features.


How does a kettle work?
When you plug the kettle into an electrical outlet, a large…

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13 August 2018

Detective Story Writing

How To Write A Detective Story

(plan your story using post-it notes first)

To begin with, you should introduce your characters. How many people are going to be in your story? Give their names and ages and some information about them.

Then, you should write about the setting. Where does…

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13 August 2018


Imagine that you are Mary. Write a diary entry which outlines your expectations of bearing the Messiah and the range of emotions you are feeling on being the mother of Christ.



Thomas Critchley

Dear diary,
The journey to Bethlehem has been difficult, due to the hot weather…

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13 August 2018

Summer Transition Project Year 5

Year 6 Transition Homework     History Unit – The Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Normans


I can create a timeline of key events culminating in the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

  • I can construct a large scale timeline from around 400 AD to 1067AD.  (1 page)


I know what life was like…

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13 August 2018

Hilarious Homophones

Write the following passage on the blog, with the correct homophones. Look carefully to make sure that you do not miss any. Also make sure that all spellings are correct, using a dictionary if necessary.

Won knight I sore a pear of men buy the see. Eye thought there feet were stuck butt sum…

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13 August 2018

Year 6 Book Recommendations

Book Review: White Fang, by Jack London

White Fang is a story of survival, and trust. It is also a story of love and companionship. White Fang is a great story and Jack London writes about what it is really like to be out in the harsh, lonely world with no one to trust and no one on which to…

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