14 October 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 7

Year 6 Spellings                                       AUT 1 Week 7                       


Endings -ible    




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10 October 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 6

YEAR 6                                                            SPELLING                    AUT 1 WEEK 6

Words ending in – able



advisable                 …

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30 September 2018

Year 6 Biographical Writing

Write a biography for a member of your family e.g. your grandparent or a famous person e.g. Tim Peake.

Use the planning page below to help you with key features of this genre.


Biography Planning Page    

Title - _________________________

Intro – 5 W’s        

1. Who is the…

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30 September 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 5

YEAR 6                                    SPELLING                                AUTUMN 1 WEEK 5

-ant endings  (part 2)          


elegant                     …

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23 September 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 4

YEAR 6                                    SPELLING                                AUTUMN 1 WEEK 4

-ant endings             


significant                 …

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16 September 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 3

YEAR 6                                                                  SPELLING                                                             AUT 1 WEEK 3




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10 September 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 2

Year 6 Spelling                       suffix- tious                            Aut 1 Week 2

Can you find definitions for the last three spellings?


ambitious – showing a strong desire to achieve.

cautious – being careful to avoid problems or danger.

contentious – likely to start an…

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31 August 2018

Welcome to Year 6 September 2020

Dear Year 6 Parents,                                                                          September 2020

Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 6. Mrs. Gomersall and I are looking forward to the new term and we have already planned many activities for the children.

Firstly, a few practical…

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31 August 2018

Autumn 1 Week 1 Spelling Y6

YEAR 6                                                            SPELLING                                AUT 1 WEEK 1

Suffix -cious               


precious                    …

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14 August 2018

Persuasive Writing

Can you write a letter to Mrs Molyneux and use your powers of persuasion to convince her that ‘Times Table Rock Stars’ is a worthwhile application for school. Remember to use your knowledge and understanding of the features of persuasive writing.


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14 August 2018

Slam and the ghosts

The story ends suddenly. Poor Douglas is dead and Slam is left with the ghost! What happens next?

Does Douglas become a real ghost?

The other ghost has tried to frighten Slam before and failed; what does it do now?

What will Slam do now that he has lost his brother who used to work and…

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14 August 2018

Weirdstone of Brisingamen

Read the extract again from our guided session and write what happens next.

I would like you to imitate Alan Garner’s style and his use of powerful verbs and adjectives.

This assignment needs to be approximately three hundred words.


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