Imagine that you are Mary. Write a diary entry which outlines your expectations of bearing the Messiah and the range of emotions you are feeling on being the mother of Christ.



Thomas Critchley

Dear diary,
The journey to Bethlehem has been difficult, due to the hot weather and the uncomfortable conditions traveling on a slow donkey whilst being pregnant. As the time goes by I get more anxious about the birth and how my child the pressure is intensified when I consider that my baby is the son of God. I can’t help thinking how he will be received by the world? Joseph has been very supportive by making me comfortable and helps where ever he can. I just really want to be at home to have my baby in familiar surroundings, but I can’t because I need to register for the census.


Dear Diary,
You will not believe how exhausted I am. I have been walking for what seems like days, but is only a few hours. I am sat on a dazed and confused donkey and I am in so much pain I may pass out. God bless Joseph because he let me ride the donkey for the most part of the journey so his legs must be about to drop off.

A few days ago, an angel came to me and told me I was the mother of the Messiah Jesus Christ. When I was told this I was in disbelief but I knew that if someone came down flying in a ball of light and told me something, it was probably true. Joseph and I can’t tell anyone that we are the parents of the Messiah or we’ll be killed.