I have been a teacher at St. Gregory’s for over 15 years, having previously completed a degree in Behavioural Psychology prior to an Early Years and Primary PGCE course. I also have a Masters Level Degree in Teaching and Learning and have attended courses in Lego Therapy, ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and supporting children’s attachment.


In addition to my teaching role I work on a weekly basis with pupils who are referred by the Headteacher. This is following a discussion with parents about how we can support their child’s emotional or behavioural needs. 


There are many reasons that may lead to children needing to attend sessions, for example following stress or trauma, which could be as a result of a bereavement or family break up, or for help with any specific issue affecting the child’s emotional well-being, which may include anger management, anxiety, difficulty in forming effective friendships or low self-esteem.


Through Lego and play I aim to help the children feel safe to explore difficult feelings and work with children to accept their emotions, develop trust and confidence and improve their behaviour.

I am currently completing training to become the school's Senior Mental Health Lead. 

Miss G Mair