28 October 2018

Year 6 Spelling Autumn 2 week 2

Year 6 Spellings                    Autumn 2           Week 2                        

suffixes -fer        



deferring                                                 …

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26 October 2018

Real Treasure

Read Matthew 6:19-21

Treasures in Heaven

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in…

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18 October 2018


Journey by Aaron Becker


This week has been writing week in school where we have focused on the picture book Journey by Aaron Becker. Our focus has been making predictions, using adjectives to describe a setting as well as writing and punctuating questions. The children have done some…

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18 October 2018


This week we have enjoyed looking at the book 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. We created our own red door to transport us to magical worlds. Check out our video below for what we could see as we went on our 'Journey' 



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18 October 2018


Good afternoon.

In Year 3 this week we have been looking at the book "Journey" by Aaron Becker. We had an amazing start when all the children followed a mysterious trail to the hall where there were clues about what would be happening this week. In Year 3 we have written the prequel to the…

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18 October 2018

Journey Writing

This week Year 2 have enjoyed our whole-school writing week linked to the picture book, 'Journey'  written by Aaron Becker. We have been working  on writing descriptively to bring the picture book to life with our own ideas...


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18 October 2018

Journey Theme Week In Year 6

In Year 6 we have enjoyed studying 'Journey' by Aaron Becker. We have thoroughly enjoyed the illustrations and have used the book as an opportunity to select language that shows awareness of the reader eg: "A majestic city towered over the little girl."

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18 October 2018

Journey Theme Week in Year 4

This week we have been on an exciting journey in Year 4! We have explored different ‘lands’ with alliteration, personification, metaphor and similes. We have met monsters and magical creatures… we have our own magic crayon and it has taken us to a magical place. We have written about it in our…

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14 October 2018

Running Wild - Diary Entry

Write a diary entry about the event in the book when Will is watching Shrek and the military police arrive to give Will's mother the news of his father's death in Iraq.

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14 October 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 7

Year 6 Spellings                                       AUT 1 Week 7                       


Endings -ible    




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12 October 2018

Friday 12th October Newsletter

Please click below for this week's newsletter:


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