2 November 2018

'The Tyger' by William Blake

Something different this week....by next week can you memorise "The Tyger" by the English poet William Blake published in 1794. You will have the opportunity to perform it in front of the class next week. Good luck.

‘The Tyger’ by William Blake


Tyger Tyger, burning bright, 
In the…

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2 November 2018

Project Homework: Food Blog

After investigating Martha Payne's food blog (see below for link), create a blog about your own discoveries about food and where it comes from.


Write in the comments below. For internet safety, use your initials only (not your full name) and I will…

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28 October 2018

Year 6 Spelling Autumn 2 week 2

Year 6 Spellings                    Autumn 2           Week 2                        

suffixes -fer        



deferring                                                 …

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26 October 2018

Real Treasure

Read Matthew 6:19-21

Treasures in Heaven

19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in…

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14 October 2018

Running Wild - Diary Entry

Write a diary entry about the event in the book when Will is watching Shrek and the military police arrive to give Will's mother the news of his father's death in Iraq.

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14 October 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 7

Year 6 Spellings                                       AUT 1 Week 7                       


Endings -ible    




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10 October 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 6

YEAR 6                                                            SPELLING                    AUT 1 WEEK 6

Words ending in – able



advisable                 …

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1 October 2018

Legends - English

Starting tomorrow, Year 5 will be learning about Legends.

If you'd like to do some reading about Robin Hood, please visit the website below.




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30 September 2018

Year 6 Biographical Writing

Write a biography for a member of your family e.g. your grandparent or a famous person e.g. Tim Peake.

Use the planning page below to help you with key features of this genre.


Biography Planning Page    

Title - _________________________

Intro – 5 W’s        

1. Who is the…

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16 September 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 3

YEAR 6                                                                  SPELLING                                                             AUT 1 WEEK 3




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31 August 2018

Autumn 1 Week 1 Spelling Y6

YEAR 6                                                            SPELLING                                AUT 1 WEEK 1

Suffix -cious               


precious                    …

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