8 November 2018

Quarry Bank Mill

Year 4 had a fabulous day at Quarry Bank Mill! We learnt so much about how Victorian mill workers were treated and how hard life was for them. Our visit to the apprentice house ended with Mrs Molyneux signing an 'indenture' to hand over the class for ten years hard labour at the mill...

Take a…

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2 November 2018

Year 4 Autumn 2 Newsletter and Homework

Please click for more information on homework and activities in class this term. 

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18 October 2018

Journey Theme Week in Year 4

This week we have been on an exciting journey in Year 4! We have explored different ‘lands’ with alliteration, personification, metaphor and similes. We have met monsters and magical creatures… we have our own magic crayon and it has taken us to a magical place. We have written about it in our…

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5 October 2018

Autumn 1 spellings

Click here for spelling homework 

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23 September 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 4

YEAR 6                                    SPELLING                                AUTUMN 1 WEEK 4

-ant endings             


significant                 …

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10 September 2018

Year 6 spelling Autumn 1 week 2

Year 6 Spelling                       suffix- tious                            Aut 1 Week 2

Can you find definitions for the last three spellings?


ambitious – showing a strong desire to achieve.

cautious – being careful to avoid problems or danger.

contentious – likely to start an…

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31 August 2018

Welcome to Year 6 September 2020

Dear Year 6 Parents,                                                                          September 2020

Welcome to the Autumn Term in Year 6. Mrs. Gomersall and I are looking forward to the new term and we have already planned many activities for the children.

Firstly, a few practical…

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14 August 2018

Modal Verbs and Adverbs


Can you use modal verb constructs to create emotive poetry? Modal verbs are useful for expressing and exploring personal feelings. Look at the following poem by Emily Dickinson as a starting point:

If I can stop one heart from breaking,

I shall not live in vain;

If I can ease one life…

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25 May 2018

Year 3 enjoying their last day!


Year 3 enjoying their last day!

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