At St Gregory’s, personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an embedded part of our broad and balanced curriculum. Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is at the heart of our school ethos. British Values are promoted through the overarching aims and objectives of PSHE by supporting our children to become healthy, curious, resilient, reflective and responsible members of society, as well as preparing them for life and work in modern Britain.
The intent of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and that will maximise the outcomes for every child so that they know more, remember more and understand more.
We recognise the value of learning PSHE. The PSHE Association evaluated research ‘A case for PSHE’ indicates that PSHE when taught well – ‘helps keep children and young people safe, physically and emotionally healthy and prepared for life and work’. Furthermore, the PSHE Association evaluated
research ‘PSHE, Academic Attainment and Employability’ indicates that growing evidence suggests that the skills and attributes acquired through PSHE education have a significant impact on pupils' academic achievement, employability and future life chances.
At St Gregory’s we have created a bespoke scheme of work that meets the needs
of our pupils and the National Curriculum. We look at the data provided from our School Nurse visits in Reception and Year 6 and tailor our plans to ensure that our pupils’ learning is meeting the needs highlighted by these partners. This approach is in collaboration with our P.E. lead as we recognise the close link between physical and mental health. We offer extra programmes such as a weekly Change for Life session for pupils and a Bike-ability programme to try an address any issues raised.
Our curriculum map follows 6 overarching themes each half term and is assessed on each of these themes:
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Me and My Relationships
Includes feelings/ emotions/ conflict/ resolution/ friendships |
Valuing Difference
Includes British Values focus |
Keeping Myself Safe
Includes aspects of Relationships Education |
Rights and Responsibilities
Includes money/living in the wider world/environment |
Being My Best
Includes keeping healthy/Growth Mind-set/goal setting/achievement |
Growing and Changing
Includes RSE-related issues |
The above curriculum starts in EYFS and follows the children through to Year 6. The distribution of tthe lessons complement key campaigns throughout the year, such as, Anti-Bullying Week and Safer
Internet Day. Cyber Safety is also covered as part of our Computing programme. Please see the detailed curriculum map below for details.
Our curriculum uses open learning activities which suit the ethos of PSHE. All learning activities allow opportunities for discussion and debate. The subject is recorded using Seesaw and each topic assessed. Teachers’ assessment data is shared with governors regularly.
The intended impact of our intentions are:
Children will demonstrate and apply the British Values of Democracy, Tolerance, Mutual Respect,
Rule of Law and Liberty.
Children will demonstrate a healthy outlook towards school – attendance will be in-line with national and behaviour will be good.
Children will achieve age related expectations across the wider curriculum.
Children will become healthy, curious, resilient, reflective and responsible members of society.
Children will be on their journey preparing them for life and work in modern Britain.
For a more detailed version of our curriculum map please click here
Our learning in class follows a bespoke scheme of work with lessons carefully selected from:
Our scheme of work is carefully tailored to ensure it meets all the requirements of the DFE, PSHE association and National Curriculum requirements. For more information about each of the partners
we work with to tailor our lessons please see below and/or click on the links for more information:
We cover the National Curriculum requirements for RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) through an archdiocesan approved programme ‘Journey in Love’. Please visit the Catholic Education section of our website and click on the links to RSE to find out more information about this programme and how we cover it in school.
We use selected lessons from Coram Life Education (SCARF), to help pupils understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. SCARF gives your child everything they need to meet the new Relationships Education and Health Education requirements, statutory from September 2020. (Please also see our RSE policy). SCARF is much more than just a scheme of work; it contributes significantly to developing the four capacities, supporting children and young people to become:
Successful learners
Confident individuals
Responsible citizens
Effective contributors
We work closely with Lancashire Fire and Rescue Service. Year 6 and Year 2 have yearly visits that cover the following areas through their ChildSafe (KS1) and RoadSense (KS2) programmes:
The aim of the ChildSafe KS1 session is to deliver an educational package that challenges the behaviour of children and their parents/carers by increasing their knowledge about the risk that fire presents and generates awareness of the actions to be taken in the event of a fire.
ChildSafe sessions are delivered by operational crews of fire-fighters from the local fire station.
Intended Outcomes
To enable pupils to:
Recognise some of the jobs we do in the Fire & Rescue Service.
Recognise useful/good uses of fire and bad uses, particularly the dangers associated with playing with matches and lighters.
Explain the importance of having a working smoke alarm.
Describe what to do in the event of a fire at home – if possible by demonstrating through interactive/role play)
RoadSense sessions are offered to pupils in Year 6. They are delivered by operational crews of firefighters from the local fire station, or in more rural areas, by Community Safety Advisors.
Intended Outcomes
To influence behaviour and change attitudes towards road safety by increasing their knowledge of road safety either as a pedestrian, cyclist, or when travelling as a passenger in a vehicle.
To increase children’s knowledge and awareness of their surroundings either when travelling to and from school or when out of school within their community.
We work closely with Debt Aware to deliver ‘Money Mentor’ sessions for Year 5 and 6. The following shows the module titles and basic content as of August 2022. We are constantly up-dating our materials in order to
keep them as topical as possible. The present cost of living crisis will be reflected in our lessons over the next few months. We try to make all the sessions enjoyable, memorable and interactive.
Module 1 Wants/Needs
Module 2 Budgeting
Module 3 Methods of Payment and Savings
Module 4 Borrowing—Financial Risk
Module 5 World of Work (WOW)
Module 6 Enterprise—Financial Risk
Please see our curriculum map for detailed information about each module and what it covers.
We proudly support ‘Doing it for Dylan’ and invite a speaker to talk to the children every year about water safety. The presentation is tailored to the age group throughout the school, but the water safety message remains the same: ‘No Lifeguard, No Swimming’. Parents can follow the above link to see a presentation that can be shared with children at home. Donations to the charity can also be made via this link.